Dancing IN the Rain

Just another WordPress.com weblog

September 23, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — dancingintherain @ 11:31 pm

Hey this is my blog. Today, I went to Tori’s house, well actually last night. She took me, Julia, and Ariel home from school. We went to CICI’s and I ate macaroni and cheese pizza! Then we went home and watched Stick It! which is my fav. movie of all time now! Its so cooL! And then Ariel culdn’t sleep over so she had to leave whic h was really sad, and I wish she coulda stayed…but thats life, I guess! Anyways, in the morning we had to wake up early cuz Tori’s mom had scheduled a hair appointment at 8:00. So we went there and Tori got a haircut and then we wnet back to her house and she straightened my hair…which is usually very very curly. It started to get curly immediently after she straightened it. Anyways, I just got back… soooo


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Filed under: Uncategorized — dancingintherain @ 11:23 pm

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